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Black Panther: giving representation

Black Panther has risen the bar not only for superhero movies, but the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a whole. Black Panther is the first Marvel…

Film Review – Isle of Dogs

Wes Anderson’s Isle of Dog’s 7/10  Isle of Dogs is Wes Anderson’s 9th feature length film.  Wes Anderson is arguably one of the most unique and…

Album Review – King Giz

I’m in Your Mind Fuzz – King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard  8/10  To put it blankly, listening to this record is like being hypnotized by…

21st Century Weapons, 18th Century Laws

Positive. Passionate. Proud. These three words are the staple of Stoneman Douglas High School. How many times, in assemblies, and in the classroom, have Bedford…

Standardized tests continue to test my patience

On March 21st and 22nd, students throughout New Hampshire took the required SAT and SAS tests. Unsurprisingly, most were not very enthusiastic about testing for…