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The Spring Slump

Despite the groundhog declaring a long, long winter, spring seems to be on its way. As temperatures rise and snow melts, the spring slump arrives. The end of third and the beginning of the fourth quarter are often seen as the most academically taxing. At the same time, BHS becomes filled with senioritis and tired students looking forward to summer. The finish line is in sight, but many students struggle to persevere through the last couple months before AP/IB exams and blissful summer. These issues cause a decrease in overall motivation, grades, and even attendance. 25% of students are more likely to miss school during the second semester than the first, which puts the reality of the spring slump into context. Additionally, grades tend to significantly decrease during this time period, which is a threat to students in the horrifying world of college admissions and academic standards. In order to stay on task during the most tempting time to slack off, try some of these ideas to beat the spring slump.


Spring Cleaning

Take some time to enjoy the fresh air while washing your car, or maybe set aside some time to clean out your backpack. Clutter can affect anxiety levels, as well as the ability to focus. In fact, visual disarray can reduce your working memory. Clearing away some of this physical clutter can help clear space in your mind. In a way, this can count as studying!


Go Outside

What is the point of nice weather if you’re not outside to enjoy it? Exposure to sunlight and vitamin D are incredibly important, especially after a cold, dark winter. It has been scientifically proven that people have higher levels of serotonin in the spring and summer, which literally increases happiness. Additionally, the lengthened hours of sunlight during spring decrease melatonin levels in humans, which generally make them more awake and lively. Take advantage of the weather and spend some time outdoors.


Refresh Your Routine

There’s no better way to get out of a slump than to flip the script. Typically hole up in your locked room for hours to get your homework done? Try studying outside or in a social setting – experiment with your success. Even just modifying your current schedule to be a bit more efficient (especially in the mornings) can give you more sleep and more time doing the things that you love. So next time you find yourself stuck in the monotony of the school-sports-study cycle, try changing things up a bit.


Get Active!

While it can be hard to fit in time to exercise on your own time with the demands of sports and school, working out can be beneficial in many ways. Clearly, it keeps your body healthy and strong. But what most people don’t realize is that just short bursts of exercise after studying can increase memory and recall. The joint benefits of exercise makes it a great way to survive an academic or athletic slump, and outdoor options (biking, running, etc.) can make it enjoyable at the same time.


Keep Your Eye on The Prize

Whether you are a senior looking forward to work and college, or a freshman waiting for the beach, don’t let thoughts of the future stop you from succeeding where you are. Stay in the moment when you can, and savor your time in high school. Make the most of your time in these final months of the year, and focus on grades and yourself in this sprint to the summer!

