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Bedford School Board Candidates

In order to inform BHS seniors, many of whom will be voting for the first time, on their options for the School Board election on March 8, I emailed each of the three candidates–John Schneller, Andrea Campbell, and Sean Monroe–with a shortlist of questions. The School Board affects policies surrounding COVID, oversees the budget process, has a say in book challenges, and is involved in many other processes that directly impact students. My intention is to provide a comprehensive overview of each candidate’s goals so that voters can be informed before making their decision. I asked each of them the same questions and below are their responses exactly as sent to me by the candidates. 

First is John Schneller, running for re-election: 

  1. Since this will be the first election that many students are voting in, is there a message you would like to share specifically with high schoolers about your goals for the schools and how they will impact students? 

My goals for the schools revolve around providing the best fundamental education a public school can offer.  In most walks of life the maxim, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t fix it,” holds true.  And thus, measurement is very important.  To accomplish that, the district must measure our performance relative to historical testing results as well as relative to abutting, regional, super-regional and national schools; the latter is of least consequence but important none-the-less.  In addition to continued improvement on our standardized test score performance I believe the schools need to be sure we have a broad offering of adequately matched challenging classes at all levels in the District perhaps with strong emphasis beginning in 7th grade and ramping in intensity throughout high school.  This ramping effect will promulgate an environment that challenges students across the learning spectrum.  We need to offer students with less developed learning skills as broad an offering as we offer our more advanced learners.  We do a good job of that now but we can do better.  One example of that is the Latin program.  Two years ago in LMS it was proposed to cut Latin from the middle school.  I listened to well over a hundred students come before the SB and ask that the program be added back to the budget.  I was the very vocal swing vote that ultimately returned that program to the middle school that enabled our students to begin a gradual ramp of Latin study and continue through advanced levels in and throughout their high school experience.  For all our hard work we need to recognize our excellence at all levels.  I voted to support (fund) the Science National Honor Society co-curricular organization in school so that our more advanced and science-loving scholars can be recognized as National Science Scholars in the same way we honor students in the broader National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Mathematics National Honor Society and multiple other areas of national scholarship recognition.  Lastly I will say that there is no greater champion of athletics on the Bedford School Board than I have been.  My goal for athletics is no different than academics.  We should continue to support our programs as recommended by our Athletic Department Director of the Year so that students have the broadest possible exposure to and opportunity to excel at athletics in our schools including our most recent varsity sport addition, Boys and Girls Crew that includes fully 20% of students who participate in sports.

  1. What is your driving factor in deciding to run for the school board this year?

My driving factor to run for re-election to the Bedford School Board is that all of the above and far more require responsible funding as presented in the Bedford School District 2023 FY Budget Proposal.  Presenting a budget that is not acceptable to the taxpaying public will result in the rejection of the proposed budget and automatic adoption of the default budget.  That means painful program cuts.  I was elected to the School Board three years ago and am running for re-election because the first year I ran for this office the previously presented budget had, indeed, been rejected by the public on town voting day.  The result was painful cuts including and unacceptably, teachers.  My goal as one of five elected members to the School Board, is to make the tough decisions, present an acceptable budget to the taxpayers that will be approved so that we can fund the school year as proposed by the Administration after much public deliberation.  

  1. Do you currently or did you previously have any children in the district? Do you feel that this benefits or hinders your understanding of the Bedford School District and/or your involvement? 

I have two High School aged children.  One is in the Bedford Schools.  One is not.  This diverse exposure to both “the way we in Bedford do it” and “the way others do it” is of great benefit as I consider proposals, budgetary and otherwise, on which I have to vote.  One of the best ways to evaluate ourselves is to see how we stack up against the academic competition.  I am the only school board member and candidate with this experience.

  1. Has your campaign raised any money from organizations in NH or from elsewhere? If so, which organizations? Have you been endorsed by any? 

I have been offered but have not accepted campaign donations from within and without Bedford, the state of New Hampshire and beyond.  I believe such donations compromise one’s ability to appropriately represent the taxpayers of the community who provide the actual funding for our families and their children who attend Bedford Schools.  

  1. Why do you feel as though you are the most qualified candidate for this role?

I believe I am the most qualified candidate for the School Board in this election because I have the most experience, not just as a three-year sitting School Board member but also because I sat as a Town Council member for three years.  I am the only experienced candidate running for the position and I am the only person in the entire school board/SAU building who knows how the schools and Town interact.  That experience under my leadership led to joint projects such as paving of what has affectionately been called the “Dirt Lot” (no longer) and dramatically increased parking availability for students in the High School as a whole.  I am also the only candidate who knows who and how to contact the appropriate professionals in the Town offices to be sure students have full access to town athletic facilities when they might otherwise be unavailable.  No other candidate has ANY budgetary experience including large capital expenditures such as a roof replacement for the High School.  Campaign slogans are wonderful andtil the hard core roll-up-the-sleeves work has to be done.  I am the only candidate with a track record of success in this regard.

Mr. Schneller opted to include a final message: 

One last note:  As of today, the “mask” issue is dead.  The state will no longer impose mask requirements on our students. My motion and swing vote for the Superintendent’s reopening plan ensured that our schools opened on time and have and will remain open under extremely difficult circumstances.  Now that schools will remain open with the ability for parents who desire that their children have the protection of a mask be able to wear one while parents of students who desire their children to have the freedom to attend school unmasked have that choice as well, we can focus entirely on education which, rather than Covid and masks, is what we should be discussing.  I wholeheartedly support the mask-optional outcome and hope we remain as such for the remaining semester and years to come.      


The second candidate is Andrea Campbell: 

  1. Since this will be the first election that many students are voting in, is there a message you would like to share specifically with high schoolers about your goals for the schools and how they will impact students? 

It’s really exciting to cast your vote for the first time!  I still remember that day for me.  And what better way to have a voice in something that affects your life every day.  Our school community has faced challenging times over the past two years and things don’t seem to be getting any easier.  What we need right now is a board that can support our schools with common sense and measured decision making. I would like to see the students at the High School have a voice in the decisions being made about and for them.  I’m not sure what this would look like, but it’s something for us to discuss and consider as we look to move forward.  

  1. What is your driving factor in deciding to run for the school board this year?

If you ask anyone in town why they moved to Bedford, more often than not, the answer will be about the schools.  The schools are the heartbeat of our town. Our schools attract and keep people and businesses in town. That is why maintaining a high-quality education should be a priority for our school board.  This happens by retaining and attracting highly qualified educators and administrators.  They are the backbone of our schools.  This also happens when a school board is thoughtful, experienced, and willing to listen to the community. With my background and history of dedication to Bedford students, I will bring a new perspective to the school board.  

  1. Do you currently or did you previously have any children in the district? Do you feel that this benefits or hinders your understanding of the Bedford School District and/or your involvement?  

I currently have 2 children in the Bedford Schools; my son Evan is in 7th and my daughter Avery is in 4th.  We moved to Bedford specifically for the schools when my son was in first grade.  Having children in the district is a driving force behind running for school board.  I have a deep understanding of the BSD having been a teacher at Memorial for 16 years, and now having children attend the schools.  It provides me with the opportunity to know the teachers, curriculum, and all that Bedford has to offer.  It helps me understand the intricacies of the interconnectedness of the school board, administration and teachers.  The decisions the school board makes have a direct impact on the teachers and students.  

  1. Has your campaign raised any money from organizations in NH or from elsewhere? If so, which organizations? Have you been endorsed by any?  

I have not received any money from any organizations nor have I been endorsed by any organizations.  I have only received direct donations from individuals.   

  1. Why do you feel as though you are the most qualified candidate for this role? 

I am an educator and a champion of public education.  I have dedicated my whole career to serving public education, 16 years in Bedford.  I have a Masters of Education and dual certification in Elementary Education and General Special Education.  I currently work in Higher Education at SNHU working with a graduate degree program for students who are studying to become licensed teachers.  All of this experience and education in the field makes me the most qualified candidate.  I know how to collaborate and work with parents, families, teachers, and administration.  I know how to communicate and listen to students.  We need someone on the board who is willing to listen to all invested parties to help our district move forward.  

Mr. Monroe did not respond to my emails in time for press, so I was unable to include information on his goals for the School Board. 

Furthermore, a comprehensive voter’s guide is available through the Bedford Public Library that includes information on the candidates running for other positions.

The election is Tuesday, March 8, from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm at the high school. To register to vote, visit this link, or request an absentee ballot here. Make sure to vote! 
