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Friday Night Lights for the Seniors

Friday night football games have become an iconic staple in students’ years here at BHS. This especially rings true to the senior class. Being able to finally stand on the fence or sit in the first few rows of the bleachers, to many, is a rite of passage into senior year, giving the seniors that sense of superiority that many crave since freshman year. This year is obviously not like any we have seen in the past, and to keep everyone safe students were told in the beginning of the year that they could not attend games. This smart and necessary decision unfortunately resulted in the seniors not being able to have that final and presumably best year in the stands. 

However, a group of seniors talked to Mr. Jozokos about the possibility of letting seniors go to games, and thanks to the hard work of Mr. Jozokos and Mr. Parker, seniors were able to sign up for tickets to different sporting events. After sending out a google form seniors had the opportunity to sign up for soccer, field hockey, and of course football. 

Friday, October 16th, was the first time this year that seniors were allowed to go to a football game, with obvious restrictions. 

In order for students to safely watch the game 6 foot distancing was enforced on the bleachers, with yellow tape signaling where to sit, and masks were required for the whole game. Despite these rules, the seniors still made the best of the rainy game night. 

The legendary bulldog flag hung from the stands and cheers led by students continued for the whole game. Although there was restrictions, the seniors still made the best of the night and embraced being able to unite as a senior class. 

To top of the night the bulldogs took the win against Concord, crushing them in 42-20 defeat.
