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Kobe Bryant: How BHS Students are Impacted by a Legend’s Death

The basketball icon Kobe Bryant, his 13 year old daughter Gianna, and seven others were killed last Sunday in a helicopter crash near the hills of Calabasas, California. The death of Kobe Bryant was a shock to the world, and especially impacted the millions of fans who have grown up watching Bryant exceed all expectations on and off of the basketball court. 

Bryant spent his entire 20 year career with the Los Angeles Lakers and his time on the court secured him the right to be named a NBA legend. Bryant was a five-time NBA champion and the 2008 most valuable player in the NBA; among many other achievements. He set an astonishing example of a hardworking, driven player that truly loved the game of basketball. Bryant coined the term “Mamba Mentality,” a slogan defining his winning attitude he encouraged young people to follow. His legacy has transened over many generations and even here at BHS Bryant has motivated and encouraged many, not only in basketball, but also in life. 

“He inspired me to play the game hard and work even harder.”

Junior Danny Kulesza describes the impact that Bryant had on his life, “He inspired me to play the game hard and work even harder, he had the mentality that all athletes would die to have. Kobe was a champion on and off the court and there is no father that was happier to have their daughter follow in his shoes like he was. I will always remember who Kobe was on and off the court and continue to be inspired by his past life.” 

“For me he was always someone I would look up to. His death definitely hit me really hard.”

JT Delacey, another junior, talks about the similar influence Bryant had on his life, “As a basketball player and avid fan of the game, Kobe was a larger than life figure to me. I grew up watching him play against the Celtics and watching him dominate the game. For me he was always someone I would look up to. His death definitely hit me really hard and it was just really hard to digest.”

“Kobe’s mindset was never giving up and leaving your mark, which I will carry with me throughout life.”

Isabella King, junior, also describes what Kobe meant to her as a basketball player. “I respected Kobe as a basketball player and person. He was an inspiration to me and all the young basketball players, showing us the commitment and hard work it takes to be great. Kobe devoted all his time to what he enjoyed and loved. Kobe’s mindset was never giving up and leaving your mark, which I will carry with me throughout life.”

