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Bulldogs Sports Update

The schedule for the Bulldogs this past week has definitely been keeping our teams active and prepared for the upcoming postseason. Our athletes are still focused on their regular season games, but it is clear that the postseason victories are in our teams sights. Here is what has happened in the world of BHS sports this past week…

Boys Basketball: On the 17th, the varsity boys traveled to Keene to play against the Black Birds. The boys played a tough game but walked away with a 20 point loss to Keene (48-68), making the team’s record now 3-5. 

Girls Basketball: The varsity girls had two home games this week playing Salem last Tuesday and Keene last Friday, both games ended with a victory for the Bulldogs. Final scores being 52-44 (Salem) and 72-54 (Keene). The girls also went to Memorial on Saturday to play one of their biggest opponents. The fast paced game went into overtime and even though the Bulldogs lost 2 starting players due to fouling out, the team put up a great fight but ultimately lost by 2 points to the Crusaders. 

Boys Hockey: The varsity boys have had a successful past week, playing two games and taking the W from each game. On Wednesday the team played a tight game against Windham, but came out on top with a 3-2 victory. On Saturday the boys crushed Memorial in a 6-0 defeat for the Bulldogs. 

Nordic: The boys and girls nordic team competed in the Bedford Classic Race last Wednesday against 10 other teams. The boys team scored a total of 173 points and came in 7th place, with Evan Kaplo being the boys first finisher. The girls team finished in 6th with a total of 181 points, the first finsiher of the girls team was Avery Manni. 

Unified: The unified basketball team took on Keene last Monday and played a very tight game against the Black Birds. The Bulldogs played with their hardest effort but faced an eight point defeat (40-48) against Keene. 

Wrestling: The boys wrestling team competed in a match against Keene at home on Wednesday and faced a 36-42 loss. The team now has a solid 2-2 record for the Bulldogs. 

Swimming: The boys and girls swimming team competed in a tri-meet against Portsmouth and Gilford last Monday. Both the boys and girls were successfully able to gain a win for the Bulldogs, each team slightly beating Portsmouth and Gilford. 

Alpine Skiing: The boys and girls alpine team competed at Pats Peak last Thursday against nine other teams; due to the snow conditions the racers only had one run, versus usually two. Because of these conditions no team results were posted. 
