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The Handmade Fair: Mark It On Your Calendar

Last Saturday, the school held another Handmade Fair. For those who don’t know, the Handmade Fair is held yearly at Bedford High School, typically in the month of November. And, as its name suggests, it is a five hour event that allows people in the community to view and buy handmade crafts by local artisans and artists, as well as school clubs. It typically takes place in the hallway between Bulldog Corner and the Commons, the Gymnasium, and inside the Commons.

The Handmade Fair that took place November 2nd of this year saw a continuous stream of people over the course of the fair, from 10am to 3pm. There were vendors selling a wide variety of crafts; from delicately made jewelery, scented candles of all shapes and colors, vibrant paintings, wool scarves, stylish handbags, to all natural soaps—whatever you can think of, the vendors had. The Handmade Fair also has its own website, where vendors from past fairs are listed, as well as information for those interested in securing a spot in the next fair.

Aside from local artisans and artists, student organizations also secured spots in the fair. The clubs that participated this year were Art Club, Rotary Club, and DECA. Art Club, like it had done during the Handmade Fair the previous year, sold handmade bracelets and earrings that it also sells on its Instagram page. The Rotary club, meanwhile, also sold bracelets made from recycled materials, and held a Purple Pinkie Project offering people to have their pinkies painted purple in return for a one dollar donation towards the immunization of children against polio. Finally, DECA made good use of the event to both promote itself and sell freshly baked cookies that no passersby could resist. 

However, it is all thanks to the senior and sophomore student councils that the Handmade Fair could even take place this year. The whole event was run by the senior and sophomore student councils, and student officials were tasked with performing as runners for the food truck, setting up the event, and selling their own crafts to fund-raise for the student council. They also collected free donations from vendors that were then put into different themed baskets, to be won through raffle tickets bought by a lucky winner. For example, one of the baskets was a Christmas-themed basket, into which the student council placed donations from vendors such as ornaments and small Christmas trees. Throughout the length of the fair, people bought raffle tickets that they placed into the baskets that they wanted to win. Winners for each basket were then randomly chosen at the end of the fair. The student senior and sophomore student councils did a great job ensuring that the whole event ran smoothly, and that everyone was having a great time.

To sum it up, the Handmade Fair is a great way to bring the community together, as well as to celebrate the culture of art through our own artisans and artists. Needless to say, it is a fun event that offers everyone something of interest, and everyone should find the chance to attend at least once!
