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The International Breakfast: Bienvenue à Bedford!

Two weeks ago, the French Club and French Honors Society hosted their greatly appreciated tradition of the International Breakfast. This grand celebration of culture along with a variety of delicious food is held in honor of all students who have recently moved from other countries, along with our exchange students.

The vast amount of food was overwhelming, as a sea of crêpes, croissants, cookies and sweets, hot chocolate, and various breakfast foods flooded an entire humanities room. Feeding eight different advisories along with the friends of our international students, the two French clubs had to make sure that no one would leave hungry (I was a helper at the breakfast, and it is safe to say that most members of our two French clubs ate leftover crêpes and croissants for their lunch that day).

The head of this event was none other than Madame Noble and her teacher companions, and while stress levels were extremely high during the event, as an entire team they managed to hold a fantastic buffet, consisting of foods from all over the world. When Madame started this tradition, she had talked to multiple transferring students about what it was like to make such a large change in their lives. The most common answer was that they felt as though they were unable to absorb the culture and adapt to the hectic environment of BHS. With her overly accommodating and welcoming personality, she founded the International Breakfast that we continue to hold annually in order to welcome and learn more about our peers from all around the world.

This year we welcomed our one and only exchange student, Cova Diego Gonzalez, along with our new Bedford High School classmates; Nadine and Waleed Shahin, Hasan Polat, Joseph Pawelko, Maja Pastuszka, Hanying Chen, and Viktor Bohnhorst.

From all of us here at BHS, bienvenue à Bedford!
