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A Letter To our Readers

With finals week rapidly approaching, the Unleashed publishing year has come to a close. This past year in Unleashed has been one to be proud of, with hard-working, fervid writers as well as outstanding editors. This necessary collaboration, between writer and publisher, has resulted in this website putting out many eloquent and hard-hitting articles.

Gratitude also must be given to our dedicated readers, who give a platform for Unleashed contributors to make their voices heard. This newspaper is intended to represent the various voices of Bedford High School students. This has been made possible through a multitude of interviewees that have both contributed to our radio programming, and to various articles. So, thank you not only to our club members and readers, but also to our peers that readily contribute their perspective to this newspaper.

Good luck to all with upcoming exams, and the Unleashed team collectively wishes all of our readers a fantastic summer! Publishing will continue with the start of the next school year, and we excitedly await this new era in school journalism with a team of spirited editors and future writers.

Thank you for a great year!
