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Adjusting your brain to different learning styles: VLACS, a wonderful resource for learning

Why should one use VLACS? Upon clicking the front page of the VLACS website, one can find a multitude of reasons for using this online learning resource. VLACS states its best qualities to include its flexible learning opportunities, hard working staff, and it’s free-of-cost status for New Hampshire residents.

Possibly the most impressive quality of this site, however, is its enormous variety in courses. These range in both subject matter, and in length. Some classes can be taken for partial credit, and others for full credit, including both a midterm and final. Just a sampling of the VLACS course guide reveals classes like Forensics, 3D Modeling, Animation, Intro to Nursing, and even Veterinary Sciences. This wide selection is enough to quench the knowledge needs of even the thirstiest of students! Student Satrah Avampato, an avid VLACs user, explains how the variety of these courses has benefitted her; “I have taken Spanish I, Spanish II, Foundations of Programming, and Mandarin I through VLACS” Without these online courses, Avampato could have had never accumulated knowledge about the many subjects she has interest in. As many students know all too well, quality of learning is completely dictated by one’s interest in the subject; so maintaining interesting classes in one’s schedule is vital for academic success. However, even ranging from Physics to Gothic literature, one consistent quality between VLACS courses remains; this being the flexible pace at which one can learn their choice of topics.

The user of  VLACS courses entirely dictates the speed of learning. Assignments and tests can be completed within a set, standard track, or can be adjusted to be completed at a slower or faster pace. Avampato explains how this independent style of learning benefits her; “The fact that VLACS allows you to take courses at your own pace has made it so much easier for me to fit it into my schedule, unlike regular classes.” Taking VLACS classes combined with in-school courses is not a debilitating responsibility. The flexible learning track makes VLACS such a viable source, even to the busy student.

On top of being personalized and varied, VLACs classes also offer the opportunity to get more credits. That’s correct – VLACs credits translate onto one’s very own BHS transcript! So, how has this online resource been left unknown to many students in BHS? Many counselors will tell students that only four VLACs courses can be taken that can be accounted for within your college transcript. This could be the reason that reliance on these online courses for credit is not incredibly encouraged. However, this is only true for transcripts sent through BHS; VLACs offers the option to list all of one’s courses on their very own transcript sent to the college of your choice. So, whether one decides to take four VLACS courses, or forty, one can show all of their earned credits through a VLACS transcript.

This is important for students taking VLACS courses due to their hopes of getting into a selective college. Avampato explains why she believes the online classes are advantageous when one wishes to be accepted into rigorous colleges: “By taking VLACs classes, students can push themselves to learn subjects that they are interested in, which is something that colleges look for” The College Board cites ‘initiative’ as one of the top character traits that colleges look for. Through independently seeking out education in areas one is interested in, one epitomises the quality of initiative.

VLACs is also ideal for students with busy schedules. Avampato states, “I started doing VLACs because I was interested in learning Spanish, but, because of my course load, I couldn’t fit it in. So, VLACs offered a good alternative” For students pursuing the IB diploma, whose schedules are stuffed full of mandatory courses, VLACS is a perfect option to explore alternate classes that one is interested in. They provide a perfect alternative for elective courses, which are often utilised to explore interests and possible careers, and also offer one the same opportunities for credits.

VLACS is a site whos variety in courses is only matched by the variety of students to which it appeals. Personalized in pace, and flexible to every schedule, this phenomenal resource should be taken advantage of by every student.
