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Spring Crew Season

After months of anticipation since Bedford Crew ended in the fall, the rowers have eagerly been waiting for the chance to be back on the water, and with the beginning of the spring sports season starting up once again, the crew team is already working hard to prepare for the upcoming races. Crew or rowing is one of the most intense sports and while it is not recognized as a school sport by Bedford High School, the crew team has been gearing up for another great season. For those of you who do not have much experience with the sport, crew or rowing works by having teams of eight students who row together in a boat to propel it forward along with one coxswain who steers and leads the boat.

While some boats may not have as many students, the majority of the Bedford High boats have nine people each including the coxswain. With the start of a new season, the crew team is delighted to have refurbished boats. Through hard work and fundraising efforts, the teams were able to raise the money needed to repaint and refurbish several boats. This change signifies the hope of another great season for the team.

While the beginning of the season’s training started off rocky, with the weather preventing the rowers from going out into the frigid waters of the Merrimack River, the first regatta or race of the season continues to inspire and push BHS rowers to improve. Hopefully, this season will prove to be a great one with Bedford Crew making our school proud. And in the words of one rower, “rowing and crew is such a difficult yet rewarding sport, and I know that as a team we can come together and make this season great!”
