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BHS swim team returns as defending state champs

It’s the winter sports season here at Bedford High School. For some athletes, it means another season of hard work and rigorous training. For others, it’s fun time to reconvene with old teammates while playing a sport they love. But for the BHS Swim Team, it’s a season to maintain their State Championship title from last year- and hopefully strive to be even better.

Last year, during the 2016-2017 season, this co-ed varsity team won big by bringing home the state championship plaque after months of hard work. Junior Emma Jane Tagliaferro reflects on last year’s season: “Last season was so much fun, we all worked really hard to make our cuts and drop time, and it paid off at the state meet.” However, with every coming year, there are changes; old teammates graduating, and new teammates joining. Will this team be able to find the same passion and drive as it did last year in order to come up with another title?

Junior Aubrey Patrick thinks they can. “I’m super excited about the upcoming season. Although we lost some swimmers this year, our team is very close and I always look forward to another season! I hope that we can come out on top this year at states just like last year and I think we have a good chance with all of the talented swimmers on our team this year.”

However, this team isn’t all hard work and strenuous training. It’s also a place where students come together to meet new people and make new friends. Aubrey sums it up by saying, “Our team is really close and no matter if we win or lose, high school swim is super fun and a great experience outside of club swimming.”

Emma Jane is another student who has approached this season with an open and focused mindset. “We were definitely really happy and proud of ourselves with winning last year, I hope that it gives us the confidence to know that we can do it again,” she says. If you don’t swim for the team, you can still provide moral support and attend one of their meets. Whether they win or lose the state championship, though, we’re sure this team will have a fantastic, fun-filled season.

