As a junior, I know how fun and stressful it can be to pick out your next year’s schedule. As someone who is currently wondering why she picked so many tough classes, I will give you an overview of the classes for your junior year. Since as a student I can only take so many junior year classes, I will try my best to tell you about every level even if it is from other students.
A couple things to remember:
- Don’t over schedule yourself, if you do sports all three seasons, give yourself a managed time or two!
- If you are really unsure, ask your teacher, advisor, parents, or guidance counselor! They will be able to tell by your participation in class, grades, and attitude where you are best fit.
- If your plan is college, go for the harder classes. Take IB or AP core classes, or even explore IB or AP electives.
- If you are an IB Diploma candidate, make sure to think about classes for both junior and senior year and set up a meeting with Ms O’Connell. Her email is
Let’s start with English:
The main two English classes you can pick between are Global Studies and IB English 1 HL.
I am currently in IB English this year and love it! We read a lot of books with new settings and themes than past classes and this new level, although challenging (hello Heart of Darkness), has been very fun. I would recommend this class if you are coming from American Dream Honors, or if you want to challenge yourself.
Global Studies Is both a history and English class combined, so if you have particularly enjoyed this way of teaching freshman and sophomore year, then this class may be for you, But remember that there is no year two, so you will have another opportunity to take an AP class as a senior if you so choose.
Your options for history as a junior are now IB History 1 HL, IB Global Politics SL, or Global Studies.
This year I am in IB History 1 HL. We use historian readings, primary and secondary sources, to guide us to form our own understandings and perspectives on the content covered in class. It is a decent amount of work, but if you like history, or even if you don’t, it is entirely manageable. It is also a two year course, meaning there will be a paper 1, 2, and 3 at the end of year two.
According to Mrs. O’Connor, my IB History teacher who was part of the team creating IB Global Politics, IB Global Politics “uses theory, core concepts and case studies to examine the way in which actors and stakeholders wield power to achieve their multidimensional goals”. In essence, it is about global themes and their application.
If you are an IB diploma student and want a one year SL class, this could work for you. Compared to IB History, this course focuses on present day politics in different parts of the world, and there is an IA you need to complete involving the community as well.
Way before we got to high school we were told to make a decision about math. This level decision affects you even up until your junior year! I am in IB Math Analysis 2 SL this year and although it is definitely an IB course and we are currently working on an IA, it is an easier alternative to AP Calculus AB/IB Math Analysis I (HL), if that is the path you are on. For math, I would generally recommend staying on the track you are for junior year.
This year I am taking IB Chemistry. Yes. The infamous chem. Although it is a notorious and not necessarily easy class, it is worth it to go the extra step up to IB especially if you are in IB Biology. A lot of colleges like to see chemistry on your transcript, so that could be important to keep in mind. Also remember you can drop down to regular chemistry if the rigor in the beginning of the year is too much. At this point, you can also take marine science, astronomy, or other science electives.
World Language:
I am currently in IB Spanish 4 and I would recommend going up to the IB level if there is an IB option for your world language. Also talking to your language teacher about where you should be placed next if you are unsure is something I strongly recommend. If you are looking for something new in the language department, maybe try out ASL!
Electives are super fun! If you truly want to challenge yourself, add to your high school transcript, or just take a more structured elective, take an IB or AP elective. I am currently in AP Psychology, but there is IB World Religions, IB Film 1, IB Anthropology, and other IB or AP electives. They recently redid AP Psychology’s curriculum, so it is rigorous, but if you like psychology, or have any interest at all, I fully recommend this class!
If you are an IB Diploma student, I would recommend picking an IB elective that can fulfill a requirement so you do not have to take it senior year.
For other electives I would recommend classes that can be related to your major in college, or an outside passion of yours. If you think you know what you want to do after high school, explore that! I was in marketing quarter one and enjoyed it!
For graduation requirements, course selection resources, course levels, a program of studies, and more visit this link.