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NH Educational Theatre Guild PSU Workshop Day

Every year the New Hampshire Educational Theatre Guild hosts students from all over New Hampshire for a day of fun filled theatre workshops. Due to the pandemic last year the day beloved by students, was unable to safely happen. This year on October 8th many were thrilled to hear they were holding the workshop day at Plymouth State University. Students were sent a google form where they could choose from workshops such as Fun with Foam, or The Improv Competition.

Our day started back at BHS around 7am where we boarded our bus and headed to Plymouth State University. A little over an hour later we entered the Silver Center and headed straight to the theatre. There we were greeted by Plymprov: Plymouth State University’s Improv Troop. They played fun games and welcomed us before we headed off to our first classes. I had Fun with Foam first, where I created a tombstone inspir

ed by The Addams Family musical that I am current a part of. Then, I attended the one minute playwrite competition where my partner and I were challenged by a current PSU student to write a script about anything and perform it: the catch being it had to be under a minute. After that we dismissed for lunch downtown where we had plenty of options to choose from such as: Pizza, sandwiches, Chinese food, Ice cream, and many more. After lunch I went to my next class where I learned and performed a dance routine to “It’s a musical” from Something Rotten. My final classes were Impro

v classes where first I practiced and played fun games with Plymprov and then I was a member of the comp

etition where unfortunately our team lost. In a normal year the day would conclude with the tech Olympics where there was an obstacle course set up and tech crew would compete from different schools then the awards would be passed out. This year though, only the awards ceremony happened. Bedford High School won four

out of the ten stuffed animal awards. After the ceremony we had a little under two hours to get dinner downtown and then meet our teachers back at the Silver Center to see the production of The Curious incident of the dog in the night-time. In previous years students

have seen Mary Poppins and The Addams Family. The productions are always breathtaking and we all leave moved. After the performance we boarded the bus and headed back to BHS singing songs and taking in the amazing day we just had.
