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Netflix’s Latest And Greatest Hit: Squid Game

After recently finishing the worldwide trending Korean series Squid Game, I can personally testify that it deserves all the praise its currently receiving- and much more. This new Netflix drama was originally released on September 17, and since then, it has been rated 100% on Rotten Tomatoes and climbed to the number one spot on the US streaming service.

When I first saw the trailer for Squid Game, the series instantly reminded me of The Hunger Games. In the show, over 450 cash-strapped adults participate in a six-day competition, with one game each day, for a chance to earn 45.6 billion Korean won. The games featured on the show are a variety of popular children’s games such as Red Light Green Light and Tug of War, casting an eerie tone on childhood nostalgia. The only guidance that the game makers provide is that if you follow the rules of the game, you will move on to the next round. If not, you will be eliminated. However, the horrifying catch is that any player who is eliminated from the game is killed.

As I was watching the show, I was constantly kept on high alert since, at any given moment, all of the players’ lives are at stake. Not only does death result from the gruesome games, but in less than a matter of three days, players become inhumane and brutal after realizing that the more people are dead after the six days, the more money is split between the winners; this causes a crusade of sabotage and violence, not only while the games are running. The show concludes with a completely unforeseen ending, highlighting the greed and darkness of humanity.

With multiple shocking plot twists and heart-wrenching moments, Squid Game definitely kept my interest and exceeded my original expectations. I highly recommend this show to others, but watch with caution since the series includes many sensitive topics and graphic scenes. Here’s one helpful piece of advice before you begin episode 6: get the tissue box ready.
