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Prom During A Pandemic: How BHS Students Made the Best of It

After a long year and a half of online school and social distancing, most students seem to feel lucky to have a prom at all, but that doesn’t mean some things won’t be different this year.

Firstly, Junior and Senior Prom were separate for the first time in a while. The two classes constitute around 800 students, and given the current guidelines for 3-feet social distancing, mask wearing, etc., the two proms were split up out of necessity. Miraculously, both proms were still held at the Double Tree in Manchester like the prom has been for the past few years. The Prom Update document  includes information on quarantines, ticket sales, and more. The Junior Prom was scheduled for May 22, from 6:30 to 11. Meanwhile, Senior Prom was set to take place on May 15th.

Fundraisers for hot chocolate, Krispy Kreme Donuts, and Chipotle all contributed to lowering the cost of tickets to $70 this year, which were being sold during lunch earlier this month. The Prom Committee met and decided on the theme of Masquerade for the Junior and Senior Prom after students were able to vote on their favorite.

Although this year has definitely been different and an adjustment for everyone, at least we were all able to enjoy prom together! Here are some of our editing teams’ prom photos to commemorate the positive moments of a tough year.

Co-editor-in-Chief Sarah Avampato poses with fellow Senior, Roisi Russell!

Co-editor-in-chief Jenny McDonald poses with fellow senior, Bailey Millis!

