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How Does A Thing Like That Get Started: A Quick Review

At the beginning of February, the BHS Theater Company was busy preparing for their winter play’s opening night. Weather had other plans for them; they lost their opening night to a classic New Hampshire snowstorm. However, if you did happen to make it to the show on one of the other nights, you were in for a treat! The show this year was How Does A Thing Like That Get Started?, a comedic look at how a single rumor can grow to cause chaos for a small town.

The play, written by Pat Cooke, is funny, but the students at Bedford bring a life to the play that is easy to enjoy. Their remarkably unwavering southern accents add an element of humor all on their own; you start to believe that the accents in any adaption of the play should be fake. I thought that the actors’ comedic timing was especially highlighted in this show. However, the best part for me was seeing the cast have fun with their roles! I must admit I have not always had time for the school play (I last attended Tracks) but I am very glad I got to see the show this February, because it was an hour that truly represented the culmination of weeks of hard work. The whole cast presented great performances, and I’d like to give a shout out to stage crew for their awesome work.

All in all, How Does A Thing Like That Get Started? was a fun and quick break from daily life. Another example of the BHS Theater program’s hard work and talent!
