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The Danish Exchange

A group of 28 Danish kids arrived at Bedford High School on November 2nd. As they pulled into the parking lot, unsure of what was to come, a group of American families were ecstatic to meet them.

The group enjoyed the weekend with their host families going shopping, carving pumpkins, and enjoying a pancake breakfast. The students attended classes with their hosts on Monday, classes that they had never experienced before. Ellen Dejuardis, one of the Danish students was amazed at how freely we discussed politics after attending an American dream Socratic seminar. One night the Danish students interviewed their hosts for an English project. The Danish students asked questions about our views on current controversial politics, religion, and, our school system. Once they get back home, they have to give a presentation in their English class based on our views on these topics compared to their own.

Student Photos: Nicole Pepin ’22, Hannah Bennett ’22, Payton Grenier ’20, Taylor Capello ’21
