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Bedford High School Band: #Betterthanever

Have you ever listened to the fun tunes played during football games? That’s Bedford High School’s very own marching band, ready to bring all they’ve got to every football game. For years the marching band has always been in the stands and out on the field during halftime performing a variety of songs, but this season they have gone to the next level. A collection of hashtags such as #BetterThanEver, #Elevate, #Because I’m in band, and #united, created by Director Kelsey Gaudet, represent the hard work the school band has put into their performances. Ms. Gaudet describes the band this year as “precise in our movements and marching, full and loud in our sound, energetic, and kind to other band”

This work takes discipline, and the band has a full schedule for practice and improvement. With a weekly hour and a half practice, practices before home games, and band class, the band is focused on improving their skills. Ms. Gaudet describes the work ethic of the band, and how “we have tough conversations on areas we need to work on and come up with game plans to fix it.  Sometimes it can be discouraging, but it is what sets us apart. We can have fun, and work hard!”

This attitude is also shared by the drum majors, seniors Dan Dong, Jarrett Villeneuve, and Ryan McCarthy. Jarrett Villeneuve describes the band as having “A special bond and connection that many normal high schoolers may not experience, which inspires inspires us to always strive for our greatest potential. We work hard here in band, and I have no doubt we will continue to strive as a community”

The band also focuses on friendship. Ms.Gaudet says “You’ll be hard pressed to find a tighter knit community than the band students.” Dan Dong describes the environment in band this year as “a more inclusive and welcoming community, and more of a team this year than any of the years beforehand.” 

A lot of the band members participate in other sports or activities, have different friend groups, and take different classes. Band is seemingly what unites everyone in spite of these dissimilarities. Ryan McCarthy describes being inspired by “the people involved in band and all their different personalities, and people you think normally wouldn’t get along, but come together over a shared passion”

This environment, along with the drive of the students and directors, culminates into the band’s halftime show. The band has ten minutes every week to show their skills in playing and marching. This year’s theme is Imagine Dragons, and the show is an example of how the band is becoming #betterthanever. It takes the work of every person to have their music memorized, to know when to march, and to know where they should be going all at the same time. As part of the mission to #elevate, dance moves have been added to the show this year.  With some leans during “Believer,” and a dance block in “Radioactive,” Ryan McCarthy calls the dance “a really fun aspect of the show.” With their improved show, improved music and marching, and the friendships built, the band is truly #betterthanever this season!  
