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Students Rally for Climate Awareness

On Friday, September 20, around 125 Bedford High School students gathered outside to rally against climate change. Juniors, Mitchel Soederburg, Jamie Karr, Samuel Como, and Olivia Archard, the students responsible for organizing the event, spoke out about the climate change issue during the strike.

“We are standing here for our future.”

Said Mitchel Soedeburg at the opening of the rally, eliciting cheers from the sizable crowd.

“This isn’t a matter of politics. This is science.”

Added Jamie Karr, with an increasing tone of desperation, representing the importance of the cause to all speakers involved.
On Friday while BHS students rallied, the rest of the world also took outside to the streets to fight the issue of climate change. The global strike took place in more than 150 countries with millions of people urging for change to protect and save the earth.
