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A club you may have never heard of: mixed doubles club

Every fall season, students with a passion and love for the sport of tennis, gather, create teams, and compete, all in the name of a club, not with any designated name, but what they call, “Mixed Doubles.” For those who don’t know of this club, you may seem bamboozled at this very moment. You might be thinking that you’ve never heard about this club before, but rest reassured, this is a real thing.

This club has been going on for many years now, not as an official BHS Club, but as an activity that many students from all over New Hampshire participate in. Students without experience in tennis are also welcomed to participate, but as do the BHS tennis players and even younger players who attend Lurgio. Every year, there are four designated captains, two girls, two boys, who choose their teams based off of the players who decided they would want to participate. This year the captains were Sophia Dimos, BHS senior, Kate Pemberton, BHS senior, Jason Boucher, BHS senior, and Daniel Dong, BHS junior. Every Thursday night each team would have a number of matches between each other at the Bedford Town Courts. Every match is played with two teams of a girl and a boy, hence, “Mixed Doubles.”

All in all, the club is very fun, and everyone will be looking forward to next fall season.
