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A BHS Idol

Julia McCahill, a sophomore here at BHS, is possibly the next Voice. Well, she’s at least on the way there. On January 7, she participated in a regional singing competition called Bedford Idol, at St. Anselm college. She was the only singer from Bedford, which doesn’t make much sense because the competition is named after us. And, for clarification, it is not the BHS one that was at the school last year. However, it did propel her into “fame.”

Julia won the school competition last year, and one of the judges recommended her for this Bedford idol. Her vocal coach thought it was a good idea as well, and with Adele’s Crazy for You, she was one of 12 chosen to participate.

For the competition, each of the 12 kids sing a song, and the judges vote for the 4 best. The 4 best singers move on to the final round. For the first round, Julia sang All in Love is Fair by Stevie Wonder. She made it onto the final round.

Weirdly though, all contestants are required to have two dresses, one for the first round, and one for the potential second round. It must stink to not make it. When asked, Julia remarked that it was because you sang two different songs in each round, and you need to have a dress to represent your song. 

In round 1, Julia wore a long, black, flowy dress because the Stevie Wonder song was slow. Then in the second round, she sang, The Lucky One by Taylor Swift (better known as T Swizzle). Julia outfit changed into a red dress. I’m not going to question her reasoning, but I just wonder what it was.

Julia came in third place overall, and won $300 in scholarship money. This is the first “legit” competition that she has been in, which is well deserved. She has dominated all of the BHS contests. Though, she is supposedly a “‘lil salty” about her place. “I don’t necessarily agree with the winner,” she says, “but whatever.” That’s the spirit Julia! As for her own place, she claims that she wasn’t expecting it. Oh so humble.

Who knew that BHS had such a star. You go girl!
