Bedford High School’s new year has given rise to many clubs, including the Women’s Right’s Club, with Mrs Dudgeon as advisor and meeting Thursday mornings in room 137, open to both genders. The club was founded this year by Rosenbaum, who worked for New Hampshire Women’s Foundation. The club is sponsored by Girls Learn International, a program for students run by the Feminist Majority Foundation, an organization that works for the betterment of women worldwide. Now that the club is well-established, they’re aiming to fundraise a school for education of women in foreign countries, and otherwise raise awareness for international issues. To this end, the club hung signs for International Day of the Girl with women’s rights facts and statistics. The club was easy to officially create, however, perceived some opposition within the school. Posters they hang mysteriously disappear, and they believe that students tear them down, though no one has been caught in the act. Well, whether Bedford likes it or not, the Woman’s Rights Club is here to stay.
Promoting women’s rights through awareness
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