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WatchDog: Phase 3, National News, and Vaccines!

Welcome back to WatchDog! The first major news of this week is the movement toward Phase 3 at BHS, which begins on Monday, March 29th. This phase will be reminiscent of the high school experience pre-pandemic, and comes with excitement from many students. That being said, many precautions still need to be taken to keep everyone safe, especially with more people in the building. Be sure to read Mr. Jozokos’ emails about Phase 3, and watching the informational video he made is highly recommended. In that video, you can learn all about what lunch will look like, managed time, and the rules for Junior and Senior parking. Make sure to take a look before next week!    

Moving on to national politics, a lot is happening for President Biden right now. First, the country is still reeling from two mass shootings. On March 22nd, ten people were killed in a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado. On March 16th, there was a mass shooting at three different spas in Atlanta, where 6 out of the 8 victims were Asian women (CNN). This has reignited the debates about gun control, and overwhelming calls for tighter gun restrictions. In addition, there have been many protests and vigils held across the country, “calling for an end to violence against Asian-Americans” (WSJ). There’s yet another crisis at the southern border, “where officials are dealing with a growing surge of migrants…many of whom are unaccompanied minors (Washington Post). Of course, there’s still the pandemic and economic crisis as well. 

Although, more exciting vaccine news came out today! According to a press conference on March 25th, “Everyone age 16 and older in New Hampshire will be able to sign up for a COVID-19 vaccination by next Friday, April 2” (WMUR), as said by Governor Sununu. In addition, Sununu said “We feel fairly confident that everyone will be able to get their first shot by Memorial Day” (WMUR). Hooray for vaccines! 

