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Important Reminders for April Break

With the start of 2020’s shortened April break, it may be difficult to see this time as enjoyable and fun due to the restrictions of social distancing, but there are still ways to make the best of it! Staying at home can’t exactly replace the vacations, fun outings, and even college touring of past years, but try to keep a positive attitude during these four days of freedom! Here are some ways to stay occupied at home: 



  • Spend time outside: It seems that pleasant spring weather has finally decided to grace us with its presence, so take advantage of while you can. Take some time to enjoy the sunshine, whether it be taking a walk or just sitting outside. As long as you abide by social distancing parameters, getting outdoors can be a fantastic way to re-connect with nature and relax. 
  • Stay active: It can be hard to leave the comfort of a couch or bed, but staying active can improve your mood too. There are many ways to stay active, so take this time to figure out what you like! Try yoga, running, walking, biking, there are so many good options. Many activity apps also offer free trials right now, so check them out too. 
  • Experiment with new foods and recipes: Even if cooking or baking isn’t your strength, anyone can learn! Try out easy recipes if you are a beginner, or try new techniques if more advanced. It’s as easy as googling whatever you feel like making, or try an app like Pinterest for inspiration. If you still don’t know what to make, you can never go wrong with banana bread, the undeclared champion of quarantine baking. 
  • Puzzles: While puzzles can seem either daunting or boring, they can banish boredom, and can be seen as an educational activity too. They also give you a nice feeling of satisfaction when completed! 
  • Catch up on any work: These days are the perfect time to catch up on long term projects, or you can also complete your portfolio of work, which has to be done by May 15th. It may be hard to find motivation to do school work at this point, but it feels good to get work done. 
  • Read a book: Some of us might have forgotten that  reading can be fun, but it really can be! You don’t have to choose something difficult, take this time to choose something that looks really interesting and compelling. Or try something old, reading a nostalgic  series from your past such as Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Magic Treehouse, or really anything can also be enjoyable. 
  • Play games: Either online games of board games, this is the perfect time to revisit favorites or find new ones. During normal times of the year it can be hard to find time for activities like this, so take the time now to play games with your family! Break out the old wii, go for some Twister, really any game can bring some family cheer. 
  • Find something creative: Want to revisit knitting, pottery, painting, drawing, gardening, or any fun hobby? You could not have a more perfect time to do so. 
  • Think about your future: It may seem hard to imagine the next years of school and college right now, but life will go on and it’s a good time to think about your future. It may be difficult for those who planned on visiting colleges during this break, but there are still resources to explore options. See if any colleges you are interested in offer virtual tours or information sessions, research them on Naviance, or even just make lists of schools that interest you. Along those lines, make sure to support the Seniors who are making their decisions during this unprecedented time! 


Relax, Relax, Relax: For us busy high school students, also try to see this time as an opportunity to relax. We all miss the hustle and bustle of normal school right now, but time at home can also give opportunities to sleep in, take naps, or watch movies. It may not be what we want to do right now, but it can help with the anxieties of the pandemic. Just remember to stay at home, and do whatever you need to cope with this difficult time.
