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Trump’s New Press Secretary

After residing as White House press secretary for nine months, Stephanie Grisham‘s position has been seized by Kayleigh McEnany. Grisham now secures the role as First Lady Melania Trump’s Chief of Staff. What prompted the addition of Kayleigh McEnany, a former CNN figure and spokesperson for the Republican Committee, and the replacement of Grisham?

Stephanie Grisham takes her place back with Melanie Trump as her chief of staff
Kayleigh McEnany moved into the role as press secretary on April 7, 2020

In her nine months in office, Grisham never held a press briefing, making her one of the least known White House secretaries. She was never one to show herself in front of the camera, but preferred her interviews recorded. While Grisham spoke publicly a few times on Fox News interviews, she was very private and disliked publicity from reporters on the White House lawn. After three years of service as the First Lady’s Chief of Staff, Lindsay Reynolds resigned and opened an opportunity for Grisham to take the position at Melania Trump’s side.

Although Pentagon spokesperson, Alyssa Farah was a poetential candidate for the job, Kayleigh McEnany was able to secure the press secretary’s open position. With Trump making it very clear he speaks for himself by himself, the press secretaries’ jobs seem to be pushed to the side. McEnany’s strong voice and adamant tone will surely fight the deafening waves of expectation silencing her. Currently, she doesn’t seem to be focusing on more capital issues other than her hatred towards Democrats. And, while anybody can see the horrors of the Coronavirus, McEnany is shrugging it off. She puts full trust in Trump’s ability to swerve the US on the right track, displaying her fierce loyalty.

Regarding New Hampshire, she’s made statements towards the turmoil of our democratic candidate voting results. She claims fluctuations in which democrat is in lead are due to their being a “flavor of the hour” for every candidate. With Bernie Sanders climbing up on top, McEnany will continue to comment on his progress towards Trump’s coveted presidential seat. McEnany, in comparison to Grisham, is a more verbal advocate of Trump, who in her eyes, will continue to hold office. The world watches whether her loyalty will pay off or not.
