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COVID-19 Update

The COVID-19 virus, or Coronavirus as it is often referred, has had an extreme and adverse effect on the lives of students and individuals everywhere. As of March 26th, the number of confirmed Coronavirus cases worldwide has just topped 468,000. The number of confirmed cases within the United States alone is now 68,000. However, with the lack of testing available to the majority of United States citizens at this time that number is likely far higher. Thus far the best measure available, and the best thing we as individuals can do to “flatten the curve” of the virus is to practice social distancing. The importance of flattening the curve is due to the lack of available hospital beds and more importantly ventilators. As a result if the virus is not contained then there will be too many cases, overwhelming the already fragile United States medical system. 

As a result millions of Americans are either in the midst of a quarantine or practicing social distancing, in order to prevent the spread of the disease. The number of known cases in the United States crossed 68,000, California officials told hospitals to restrict Coronavirus testing, and a hospital in Washington State warned that it could run out of life-preserving ventilators by early next month. At this time the actions of the media and government have not instilled a sense of security within the American people. As a result of the unclear flow of information many Americans feel as though the media has whipped people into hysterics, and the lack of toilet paper is evidence of such. The government’s lack of action at this time has also led to something of a negative perception by the news media.

Recently, the New York Times reported on the emerging deal that was attempting to offer a financial solution to the burgeoning economic crisis. On Wednesday, Senate Democrats blocked action on an emerging deal to prop up an economy devastated by the coronavirus pandemic, “paralyzing the progress of a nearly $2 trillion government rescue package they said failed to adequately protect workers or impose strict enough restrictions on bailed-out businesses.” This is a move seen by many as being a poor choice and likely to lead to a series of economic downturns.

Schools across the United States have closed as a result of this pandemic and are beginning to institute remote learning as an alternative to an in class education. This is a challenge for many families as child care is a significant challenge for many families. As well as requiring a secure and stable internet connection.

