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What is the self-management competency?

The Self-Management program was implemented years ago in an effort to make students more responsible for their own self-management and giving them the tools to do that. It first started appearing as its own competency, which was graded as a single number freshman year, but before that the Self-Management portion of the grade was split into separate subjects, like Homework, Engagement, or Preparedness.

If you were in Roots of Thought last year, you might remember filling out a log and reflection every quarter. This involved setting specific goals (S.M.A.R.T) and keeping track of everything that went into trying to complete those goals. This extra work might have been tedious at the time, but I believe this extra focus on self-management pays off every day. This is a tool that we will need throughout our lives in any sort of work or college setting. This skill includes time management, organization, goal setting, how to navigate obstacles, and evaluating how certain relationships can help or hinder you. In my opinion, these subjects are important enough to justify a little extra work especially as you will need it in the “real world”, beyond high school. So, although you may groan at the thought of having to do a little more work, try to think in the long run; this skill will be more handy than you might think.
