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Should you trust the Snow Day Calculator?

There isn’t a snowstorm on the radar right now, but when one does roll around, the majority of students will check a website and decide whether or not they should do their homework: That website is It has become a staple of Bedford school life, but how much do we really know about this magical weather oracle? Can we trust it? That is why I’m here, so let’s start with the facts.

The Snow Day Calculator website and algorithm was created by a then 16 year old junior in high school, David Sukhin. He saw the need students had for a definitive calculation of a snow day possibility, and so he took on the project. His algorithm takes an abundance of data (location, school leniency, weather predictions of local news) and even learns from whether past predictions were correct or not. And now there’s more than a website; there’s an app for iOS and Android and it’s also free! Sukhin now studies computer science at MIT, but keeps tabs on his Snow Day Calculator, as it is often updated and improved for the convenience of all high school students. You can read more on Sukhin and the Snow Day Calculator here!

To me personally, this information proves that the Snow Day Calculator is reliable in its predictions. Although it seemed like a random website spitting out numbers, I now trust the Calculator and will check it myself in the future. I think it’s always beneficial to stay informed about the possibility of a snow day, but I also think it’s a good idea to do homework even if the percentage is high! So now it’s time to form your own, newly educated opinion; should you trust Snow Day Calculator? Because I say yeah, why not?
