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What makes a good senior quote?

“Please choose one line that sums up your entire high school experience.” Choosing a senior quote can be hard, just another item on your to-do list among applying to college and such. But don’t worry; as a senior myself who has yet to pick my senior quote, you are likely thinking, how is this girl qualified to offer others advice on picking their senior quote? And to that, I say you’re right. But, although I don’t have mine to share yet, after sifting through hundreds within the past week, I think I can provide some insight on what makes a good senior quote. So here are my top guidelines for picking the best quote for you. Let’s begin!

Now this may seem obvious, but the most important element of a successful senior quote is its personal value. Your quote should represent what you value, believe in, or what makes you laugh. You can talk about one that is important to you, or a goal you wish to achieve. As long as it holds some importance to you, it will be strong. Strength can also come from humor. Many of the most iconic quotes poke fun at a personal trait or experience, which is a great way to integrate personality into your quote. What’s the point in using a random quote that doesn’t truly represent who you are?

This next one is where it can get tricky. There is a fine line between a sentimental senior quote and one that is straight up cheesy. If you want to quote your favorite ancient philosopher whose advice you hold dear, go for it! But don’t just choose a quote because it’s sappy or has big words. Make sure it actually has value and that you can relate to the old-English one-liner that you frantically type on Mrs. Gilcreast’s Google Form at 11:59 on November 14th. And although there is certainly no shame in being inspired by the internet, “always try your hardest” is something we’ve all heard before.

And if all else fails, go with a solid classic; these senior quotes typically involve relatable humor and killer pop culture references. They are cute and ageless, so you truly cannot go wrong. For instance, Alexander Gouon used a flawless classic, “Hannah Montana said nobody’s perfect, but here I am.” Kyle Detscher cited the wise words of his mother, “Don’t put anything stupid for your senior quote.” Alexandra Vu flirtatiously attracted her yearbook readers, “If you like water, you already like 72% of me.” Additionally, Katia Perez spoke to all of us tech-savvy teens when she chose, “My computer screen is brighter than my future.” And most notably of all, Christopher Molina took us down memory lane with “that was nothing like High School Musical.”

All in all, there are two amazing things that senior quotes offer. One, they allow each student to show off their independent and creative side. And two, it means that we have made it to the final year! So what differentiates a good quote from a bad one? The answer is personal value. Your quote does not have to be the funniest or the wittiest in the yearbook. If it represents you, then it is as iconic as it needs to be. And if that means quoting Hannah Montana, so be it.
