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Who Would Your Teacher be if They Weren’t a Teacher?

Six of our teachers were interviewed and asked, “Would you have had a different career if you hadn’t become a teacher?” Would you be surprised if I told you that our principal would have tried to be a filmmaker? Mr. Jozokos comments, “I would have loved our IB film classes as a student. Second to that, looking back, I would have also enjoyed being a diplomat!”

Mr. Ahnert, a humanities teacher, says, “I tried to do anything but become a teacher!” At a summer camp he once worked at, one of the other camp counselors recommended he become a teacher! This was not the first time he’d heard this advice. You could say becoming a teacher was fate.

Mrs. Pierson, a science teacher, remarks, “I would have been a filmmaker or writer.” In fact, she was getting her acceptance letters into colleges for an intended major in film right before she discovered her true passion—SCIENCE! What a crazy turn!

Mrs. Hartman, who teaches In-Writing, responds, “Teaching is my passion, but I wanted to be a lawyer when I was younger. If I weren’t teaching now, I’d probably be a writer. Honestly, I can’t imagine not teaching. I’m built for this. I love what I do.” I’m not surprised an English teacher would become a writer, but a lawyer sure does interest me!

Ms. Doyle, a science teacher, states, “I would be the first female baseball umpire!” We are definitely overdue for our first female baseball umpire, but I’m glad she teaches at our school.

Ms. Dolce, my psychology teacher says, “I would have had a store and sold things I bake and sew. Sierra Brand.” Quite a leap from psychology and history to sewing and baking!

Mrs. DeVita, a visual arts teacher, comments, “If something had changed my path, I like to believe that I would have had a career as a cinematographer. I didn’t realize that videography was an option to study until it was too late to sign up, and by then I was so entrenched in teaching, visual art, and painting that my path was set. I still love creating and editing videos, and I use that passion to create art tutorials for my students.” I think it’s lovely that though Mrs. DeVita wasn’t aware of videography she made it positive and it helped her art!

Were you surprised? I was at times!
