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Meet Our Writers!

Starting a new year with Unleashed, there are many new writers who decided to join the team! During the last meeting, our members (both writers and editors) completed a short questionnaire introducing themselves to our readers!  

Why did you first decide to join Unleashed?

  • Yahle Adossi, Writer (Grade 10): “I enjoy any writing and I take pleasure from the idea of sharing information to the school through a newspaper.”
  • Frannie Baldi, Writer (Grade 10): “I love writing and I wanted to be able to write all different types of articles for the school.”
  • Seneca Baldi, News Editor (Grade 12): “Junior year, I was looking for more ways to get involved in the school, and I like to write and stay up to date on current events, so I thought it would be a good fit!”
  • Rebekah Bennett, Writer (Grade 9): “I heard a lot about Unleashed from my older sister, and I thought it would be a ton of fun and a great opportunity to improve on my writing!”
  • Hannah Bennett, Co-Editor in Chief (Grade 12): “When I was a freshman I vividly remember sitting in Spanish class and reading through the website. After that, I talked to one of the former arts and entertainment editors who went to the meeting with me and I immediately started writing!”
  • Kenzy Bibawi, Arts & Entertainment Editor (Grade 11): “My friends and classmates have always asked me to edit their papers, and I realized that Hannah Bennett, one of my friends, was the co-editor in chief this year. So, I figured that I may as well reach out to her and, from there, I grew to love the idea of the club and immediately went in for an interview to become the Arts & Entertainment editor.”
  • Riley Noone, Writer (Grade 9): “I love writing. It’s as simple as that, and I believe writing for a club such as Unleashed is a great opportunity.”
  • Anna Whitney, Writer (Grade 11): “Well, mainly, I love to write! I think writing is such a great way to get ideas out into the open. And I do not get to do enough writing with topics of my choice in school. So I figured that joining Unleashed would be a great way to explore a different style of writing that is beyond just academic essays.”
  • Tracy Xie, Opinion Editor (Grade 11): “I joined Unleashed so that I could write with creative freedom and actually publish it somewhere.”
  • May Zheng, Co-Editor in Chief (Grade 12): “I first joined Unleashed in freshman year since I thought it would be a good opportunity to get involved in the school and improve my writing skills.” 

What is your favorite type of writing?

  • Yahle Adossi: “Creative, informative, and analytical”
  • Frannie Baldi: “My favorite type of writing is creative/opinion.”
  • Seneca Baldi: “I think my favorite type of writing is analytical, although a lot of times I write informatively because it is a little quicker in some ways…? Analytical writing gives such interesting perspectives on the same topic. I love reading creative writing but I’m not good at it myself.”
  • Rebekah Bennett: “My favorite type of writing would have to be creative writing because I love how much freedom it gives me!”
  • Hannah Bennett: “Creative!”
  • Kenzy Bibawi: “My favorite type of writing is definitely informative or analytical – I like having something to go off of and I feel like I can never pull something valuable to write about from my head.”
  • Riley Noone: “Creative. I love writing anything my mind comes up with. But, I will definitely write anything I’m passionate about.”
  • Anna Whitney: “I really enjoy creative writing because it involves using imagination to bring a creative story to life. I love to use my imagination so it is a lot of fun to explore with different elements in this style of storytelling.”
  • Tracy Xie: “Creative”

If you were to be represented as an animal, what would it be and why?

  • Yahle Adossi: “A koala because it represents compassion and loyalty.”
  • Frannie Baldi: “I would be a dog because I like to have fun and play, but I also like time to myself and sometimes I am a bit lazy.”
  • Seneca Baldi: “Probably a dolphin because they are super social and smart (not that I’m super smart) and I love dolphins.”
  • Rebekah Bennett: “My animal would probably be a pheasant. Not too sure why, it just felt right.”
  • Kenzy Bibawi: “I would be a monkey – no explanation needed. They’re too cool to not want to be.”
  • Riley Noone: “Fox. I’m fairly easygoing. I have been described as intelligent, and I much rather watch and learn than dive in as a fox would.”
  • Anna Whitney: “I think I would be a butterfly because I love being able to explore new places. I really wish I could fly! In addition to this, butterflies are colorful and full of life which is how I aspire to be.”
  • Tracy Xie: “I would be a sloth because I’m slow at doing everything and become attached to few loving spaces.”

Who is your favorite teacher or staff member at BHS?

  • Yahle Adossi: “Ms. McDermott”
  • Frannie Baldi: “My favorite teacher is Mrs. Magnusson.”
  • Seneca Baldi: “Mr. Sarsfield this year”
  • Rebekah Bennett: “Probably my science teacher Mr. Salge.”
  • Hannah Bennett: “Ms. Herron”
  • Kenzy Bibawi: “Mrs. DeVito”
  • Riley Noone: “Probably Mr. Richmond. He is a great person and his class is always so fun and exciting.”
  • Anna Whitney: “I’m not sure! I’ve had so many good teachers so it is hard to choose. But I do really like Mrs. Magnusson”
  • Tracy Xie: “Mrs. Magnusson”

Who is your favorite character from any tv show, movie, or book, and why?

  • Yahle Adossi: “Too many, but one of them would be Stella from Stella by Starlight because I can relate to her and she writes”
  • Frannie Baldi: “My favorite character is Thomas from the Maze Runner. This is because he has perseverance, he is a good friend, and he never leaves anyone behind.”
  • Seneca Baldi: “I love Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. She’s smart, a feminist, and stands up for herself. Plus she’s a hero in the movie which I feel is a lot less common than the male heroes.”
  • Kenzy Bibawi: “The Professor from Money Heist. In the show, he is such a genius and thinks of literally every possible solution to every possible situation. It just baffles me, even though it isn’t real.”
  • Riley Noone: “My favorite character from a book, would have to be Tenley from the First blood series by Genna Showalter. As a character her flaws are prominent and I enjoy how her narration shows us the type of character she is. She neither denies nor confirms how she is never one side or the other.”
  • Anna Whitney: “Hm that is tough! But I really love Doug from the movie Up. He is one of my favorites because he is so sweet and reminds me of my own dog :)”

What is your favorite season? 

  • Yahle Adossi: “Spring, it’s not too cold or hot”
  • Frannie Baldi: “My favorite season is spring.”
  • Seneca Baldi: “Fall, especially the beginning because it’s cooling down but not too cold, and the leaves change color, and school starts and we aren’t in the March slump yet plus there are lots of games to go to, so it’s a fun season. Plus all the festive things to do and the holidays to look forward to.”
  • Rebekah Bennett: “Fall is definitely my favorite season, not just because of changing leaves and pumpkin spiced lattes (though those do factor into it), but mostly because there are no bugs, and it’s just cold enough so I can wear sweaters, but not too cold.”
  • Kenzy Bibawi: “Definitely summer. I love the beach and being able to live my life day to day with no real schedule.”
  • Anna Whitney: “My favorite season is fall because I love the crisp air and nature activities. Not to mention all the holidays and yummy food.”
  • Tracy Xie: “I love fall because the weather is super nice and just right to be wearing sweaters. I also really enjoy the color of the leaves before they fall for the winter.”

What is a food that you can’t live without?

  • Yahle Adossi: “Sushi and generally any dish in my culture”
  • Frannie Baldi: “I cannot live without chocolate. I feel like I’m always eating it or something with it and it raises my mood when I eat it.”
  • Seneca Baldi: “Pizza. I wouldn’t have a job [editor’s note: Seneca works at Pizza Bella], and it’s delicious and there are so many kinds that I’ll never get bored of it.”
  • Rebekah Bennett: “I can’t live without bagels and cream cheese. Not too sure what it is about them, they’re just really good.”
  • Kenzy Bibawi: “I would say sushi and pasta.”
  • Riley Noone: “French fries. I love them.”
  • Anna Whitney: “That is tough but I have to say apples. I love apples!”
  • Tracy Xie: “Sushi, forever my favorite food :)”
